Definition of condenser


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The word "condenser" has a fascinating origin. In the 17th century, the term "condense" referred to the process of making a fluid or gas smaller or denser. In the context of chemistry and physics, early alchemists and scientists used the term to describe the process of converting a gas or vapor into a liquid or solid. The noun "condenser" emerged from this verb, specifically referring to an apparatus or device that facilitated this process of condensation. In the 18th century, scientists such as Benjamin Franklin and Antoine Lavoisier used condensers to study the properties of gases and to analyze chemical reactions. Today, the term "condenser" has a broader range of meanings, including applications in engineering, technology, and everyday life, such as in refrigeration systems, air conditioners, and even microphone design.


a device that cools gas in order to change it into a liquid

một thiết bị làm mát khí để biến nó thành chất lỏng

a device that receives or stores electricity, especially in a car engine

một thiết bị nhận hoặc lưu trữ điện, đặc biệt là trong động cơ ô tô