Definition of cooler


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The word "cooler" has its roots in the 15th century. Initially, it referred to a container that kept drinks cool, often used to describe a tankard or jug made of metal or clay. The word came from the Old English words "col" meaning "cool" and "er" which is a suffix forming nouns. Over time, the meaning of "cooler" expanded to include other objects that kept things cool, such as a cooling device or a refrigeration unit. In the 20th century, the phrase "to cool out" emerged, meaning to relax or calm down. This phrase likely stemmed from the idea that taking a drink from a cool container could help people feel more relaxed. Today, the word "cooler" is used in various contexts, including sports (a cool performance), fashion (cool clothing), and even teenagers (being cool means being fashionable or in style). The word has evolved to encompass different meanings, but its core sense of keeping things cool or calming remains intact.


a machine that cools things, especially drinks

một cái máy làm mát mọi thứ, đặc biệt là đồ uống

  • the office water cooler

    máy làm mát nước văn phòng

Related words and phrases

a container that keeps things cold, especially drinks

một vật chứa giữ lạnh đồ vật, đặc biệt là đồ uống

  • They took a cooler full of drinks to the beach.

    Họ mang theo một thùng đựng đầy đồ uống đến bãi biển.

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a drink with ice and usually wine in it

một thức uống có đá và thường có rượu trong đó

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