Definition of condense


ngưng tụ


The word "condense" originated from the Latin verb "condensare," which means "to thicken" or "to make dense." The word "condensare" was derived from the prefix "con-" (meaning "together" or "intensive") and the verb "densare" (meaning "to make thick"). In English, the word "condense" was first recorded in the mid-1500s. At that time, it was mainly used to describe processes related to thickening or densifying, such as the condensation of milk into cheese, or the condensation of smoke into fog. Over time, the meaning of the word "condense" expanded to include the concept of compressing or reducing in size or volume. Today, the word "condense" has a variety of uses in different fields, including physics (to describe the changing state of matter), chemistry (to describe the process of removing liquid or gas from a solid), and media (to describe the act of summarizing or compressing written or spoken content into a smaller space). Overall, the word "condense" is a versatile and descriptive word that continues to be an essential part of the English language. Its origins can be traced back to the Latin verb "condensare," showcasing the deep-rooted history and evolution of the English language.


to change from a gas into a liquid; to make a gas change into a liquid

chuyển từ thể khí sang thể lỏng; làm cho chất khí chuyển thành chất lỏng

  • Steam condenses into water when it cools.

    Hơi nước ngưng tụ thành nước khi nguội đi.

  • The steam was condensed rapidly by injecting cold water into the cylinder.

    Hơi nước được ngưng tụ nhanh chóng bằng cách bơm nước lạnh vào xi lanh.

if a liquid condenses or you condense it, it becomes thicker and stronger because it has lost some of its water

nếu một chất lỏng ngưng tụ hoặc bạn ngưng tụ nó, nó sẽ trở nên đặc hơn và mạnh hơn vì nó đã mất một phần nước

  • Condense the soup by boiling it for several minutes.

    Cô đặc súp bằng cách đun sôi trong vài phút.

Related words and phrases

to put something such as a piece of writing into fewer words; to put a lot of information into a small space

viết một cái gì đó như một đoạn văn bản thành ít từ hơn; để đặt nhiều thông tin vào một không gian nhỏ

  • The article was condensed into just two pages.

    Bài viết được cô đọng chỉ trong hai trang.

  • The author has condensed a great deal of material into just 100 pages.

    Tác giả đã cô đọng rất nhiều tài liệu chỉ trong 100 trang.