Definition of shrink


co lại


The origin of the word "shrink" can be traced back to the Old English word "scearnan," which meant "to squeeze, press, or condense." This word evolved over time, taking on various meanings in different languages. In Middle English, the verb "shrinke" meant "to shrink or lessen in size or importance," as well as "to contract or shrink in shape or texture." This sense of the word is still in use today, particularly in relation to shrinking objects, such as fabric or paper, and shrinking features, such as muscles or skin. The term "shrink" is also used in a psychological context to refer to psychiatrists and therapists who help people deal with emotional problems. This usage is a relatively recent development, dating back to the mid-20th century. The term "psychologist" had been used in this context as well, but "shrink" became popular due to its simplicity and memorability. In popular culture, the term "shrink" has taken on additional meanings, such as in the context of compressing digital files or reducing the size of computer applications. While these senses of the word may have arisen independently, they all stem from the original meaning of "squeezing or condensing into a smaller size or shape." In summary, the word "shrink" has evolved from its Old English roots, gaining multiple meanings along the way that reflect the significance of compressing objects, reducing size, or condensing ideas. Over time, it has become a versatile term that continues to expand in usage and connotation as technology and culture change.


to become smaller, especially when washed in water that is too hot; to make clothes, cloth, etc. smaller in this way

trở nên nhỏ hơn, đặc biệt khi giặt trong nước quá nóng; làm cho quần áo, vải vóc, v.v. nhỏ hơn theo cách này

  • My sweater shrank in the wash.

    Áo len của tôi bị co lại khi giặt.

to become or to make something smaller in size or amount

trở thành hoặc làm cho cái gì đó có kích thước hoặc số lượng nhỏ hơn

  • The tumour had shrunk to the size of a pea.

    Khối u đã thu nhỏ lại bằng kích thước của hạt đậu.

  • The market for their products is shrinking.

    Thị trường cho sản phẩm của họ đang bị thu hẹp.

  • The internet in a sense has shrunk the world.

    Internet theo một nghĩa nào đó đã thu nhỏ thế giới.

Extra examples:
  • Households have been shrinking in size but increasing in number.

    Quy mô hộ gia đình ngày càng thu hẹp nhưng số lượng lại tăng.

  • Their profits shrank by 4% last year.

    Lợi nhuận của họ giảm 4% trong năm ngoái.

  • Their share of the market has shrunk from 14% to 5%.

    Thị phần của họ trên thị trường đã giảm từ 14% xuống còn 5%.

Related words and phrases

to move back or away from something because you are frightened or shocked

lùi lại hoặc tránh xa cái gì đó vì bạn sợ hãi hoặc bị sốc

  • He shrank back against the wall as he heard them approaching.

    Anh lùi lại vào tường khi nghe thấy họ đến gần.

Extra examples:
  • I shrank back into the shadows.

    Tôi lùi lại vào bóng tối.

  • She shrank back in terror.

    Cô co rúm người lại vì kinh hãi.

  • She shrank from his touch.

    Cô co người lại trước sự đụng chạm của anh.

Related words and phrases


a shrinking violet
(humorous)a very shy person