Definition of precipitation


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The word "precipitation" has its roots in Latin. The Latin verb "precipitare" means "to throw down" or "to precipitate." This verb is a combination of "prae," meaning "before" or "forth," and "cipit," which is the prefix of "capit," meaning "head" or "summit." In this context, "precipitare" literally means "to throw something down from a height" or "to precipitate from a summit." In the 15th century, the verb "precipitate" was borrowed into Middle English from Old French "precipiter," which was derived from the same Latin root. The noun "precipitation" emerged in the 16th century, referring to the act of precipitating or throwing down. In meteorology, precipitation refers to any form of water that falls from the atmosphere to the earth's surface, including rain, snow, sleet, and hail.


rain, snow, etc. that falls; the amount of this that falls

mưa, tuyết rơi, v.v.; số tiền này rơi

  • There is heavy precipitation in some parts of the country.

    Có mưa lớn ở một số vùng trên cả nước.

  • Acid precipitation may cause a reduction in forest productivity.

    Lượng mưa axit có thể làm giảm năng suất rừng.

  • an increase in annual precipitation

    lượng mưa hàng năm tăng

  • Annual precipitation ranges from 500 to 2 200 mm.

    Lượng mưa hàng năm dao động từ 500 đến 2 200 mm.

  • In these areas precipitation was formerly too low to support growth.

    Ở những khu vực này lượng mưa trước đây quá thấp để hỗ trợ tăng trưởng.

a chemical process in which solid material is separated from a liquid

một quá trình hóa học trong đó vật liệu rắn được tách ra khỏi chất lỏng

  • calcium phosphate precipitation

    kết tủa canxi photphat