Definition of cherish


trân trọng


The word "cherish" has its roots in Old French "cherir," which means "to love" or "to hold dear." This verb is derived from the Latin "carus," meaning "dear" or "precious." The Latin word "carus" is also the source of other English words such as "care" and "costly." In Middle English, which was spoken from around the 11th to the 15th centuries, "cherishe" or "cherischen" emerged as a verb meaning "to love" or "to hold dear." Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved to its modern form, "cherish," which typically means to love or hold something or someone in a warm and gentle manner, often with a sense of deep affection or nostalgia. Today, the word "cherish" is often used in expressions such as "cherish your loved ones" or "cherish the memories."


to love somebody/something very much and want to protect them or it

yêu ai/cái gì rất nhiều và muốn bảo vệ họ hoặc nó

  • Children need to be cherished.

    Trẻ em cần được yêu thương.

  • her most cherished possession

    tài sản quý giá nhất của cô ấy

to keep an idea, a hope or a pleasant feeling in your mind for a long time

để giữ một ý tưởng, một hy vọng hoặc một cảm giác dễ chịu trong tâm trí của bạn trong một thời gian dài

  • Cherish the memory of those days in Paris.

    Trân trọng ký ức về những ngày ở Paris.

  • He cherishes the hope that one day they will meet again.

    Anh ấp ủ hy vọng một ngày nào đó họ sẽ gặp lại nhau.