Definition of adore


yêu thích


The word "adore" has a rich history that dates back to the 14th century. It comes from the Latin word "adorea," which is derived from "ad" meaning "to" and "deorare" meaning "to worship" or "to revere." In Middle English, the word "adore" emerged as a verb, initially meaning "to worship" or "to reverence" something or someone with great devotion. Over time, the connotation of the word expanded to also include feelings of love, admiration, and affection. In modern English, "adore" is often used to express deep love and admiration for someone or something, as in "I adore my children" or "I adore the beauty of the natural world." Despite its evolution, the core meaning of the word remains the same: to hold something or someone in high esteem and awe.


to love somebody very much

yêu ai đó rất nhiều

  • It's obvious that she adores him.

    Rõ ràng là cô ấy yêu mến anh ấy.

to like something very much

rất thích cái gì đó

  • I simply adore his music!

    Tôi chỉ đơn giản ngưỡng mộ âm nhạc của anh ấy!

  • Don’t you just adore that dress!

    Đừng chỉ ngưỡng mộ chiếc váy đó!

  • She adores working with children.

    Cô ấy thích làm việc với trẻ em.