Definition of treasure


kho báu


The word "treasure" comes from the Old English word "treāsor" which in turn comes from the Germanic words "tri-" meaning "three" and "gās" meaning "good" or "valuable." In Old English, the word "treāsor" referred to something that is valuable or precious, especially when it is found in a place where it is not expected. In Middle English, the word "treasour" was used to refer to something that is valuable or precious, especially when it is found in a place where it is not expected, following the Old English usage. The word "treasure" was derived from the Middle English word "treasour" and ultimately from the Old English words "tri-" and "gās." Over time, the meaning of "treasure" evolved to include any valuable or precious object, especially when it is found in a place where it is not expected, particularly in the context of material or economic matters. It came to describe any valuable or precious object, especially when it is found in a place where it is not expected, in a specific context or situation, particularly in the context of material or economic matters. Today, "treasure" is still used to describe any valuable or precious object, especially when it is found in a place where it is not expected, particularly in the context of material or economic matters. In summary, the word "treasure" originated in Old English from the Germanic words "tri-" and "gās," which mean "three" and "good" or "valuable," respectively. Its original meaning referred to something that is valuable or precious, especially when it is found in a place where it is not expected, but its meaning evolved to include any valuable or precious object, especially when it is found in a place where it is not expected, particularly in the context of material or economic matters.


a collection of valuable things such as gold, silver and jewellery

một bộ sưu tập những thứ có giá trị như vàng, bạc và đồ trang sức

  • buried treasure

    kho báu bị chôn vùi

  • a pirate’s treasure chest

    rương kho báu của cướp biển

a highly valued object

một vật có giá trị cao

  • the priceless art treasures of the Uffizi Gallery

    kho tàng nghệ thuật vô giá của Phòng trưng bày Uffizi

Extra examples:
  • Many forgotten treasures have been discovered in the attics of old houses.

    Nhiều kho báu bị lãng quên đã được phát hiện trên gác mái của những ngôi nhà cổ.

  • a vast treasure of medieval manuscripts

    một kho tàng khổng lồ các bản thảo thời trung cổ

a person who is much loved or valued

một người được nhiều người yêu mến hoặc có giá trị

  • Liz is an absolute treasure—I couldn’t do without her.

    Liz thực sự là một báu vật—tôi không thể sống thiếu cô ấy.