Definition of caustic


ăn da


The word "caustic" has a fascinating history. It originates from the Greek word "kaustikos," meaning "burning" or "scorching." In ancient Greece, caustic substances were those that could cause burning or blistering on the skin. The term was later adopted in medieval Latin as "causticus," referring to a strong acid or alkali that could burn or corrode. In the 15th century, the word "caustic" was borrowed into English to describe a substance that could cause chemical burns or lesions. Over time, the term expanded to include figurative uses, describing sharp, biting, or sarcastic language or criticism that could "burn" or wound others' feelings. Today, the word "caustic" is commonly used in many fields, including chemistry, medicine, and literature, to describe a range of meanings related to burning, corrosion, or scorching.


able to destroy or dissolve (= remove or destroy by a chemical process) other substances

có thể phá hủy hoặc hòa tan (= loại bỏ hoặc phá hủy bằng quá trình hóa học) các chất khác

  • a caustic cleaning product

    một sản phẩm tẩy rửa ăn da

  • caustic liquid that blisters the skin

    chất lỏng ăn da làm phồng rộp da

  • a highly caustic chemical

    một hóa chất có tính ăn da cao

Related words and phrases

critical in a bitter or sarcastic way

phê bình một cách cay đắng hoặc mỉa mai

  • caustic comments/wit

    những bình luận cay độc/khí hách

  • Her speech was a caustic attack on government officials.

    Bài phát biểu của cô là một cuộc tấn công cay độc vào các quan chức chính phủ.

Extra examples:
  • Lisa ignored the caustic comment.

    Lisa phớt lờ lời bình luận cay độc.

  • She was frantically trying to think up some caustic reply.

    Cô đang điên cuồng cố gắng nghĩ ra một câu trả lời cay đắng nào đó.

Related words and phrases