Definition of searing


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The word "searing" comes from the Old English word "sear," which originally meant "to dry up" or "to wither." This stemmed from the verb "searian," meaning "to dry up" or "to parch." Over time, the meaning shifted to describe the intense heat that causes something to dry up, eventually evolving into the current sense of burning or scorching. This evolution was likely influenced by the association of intense heat with the drying and withering effect it has on things.


so strong that it seems to burn you

mạnh đến nỗi nó dường như đốt cháy bạn

  • the searing heat of a tropical summer

    cái nóng oi bức của mùa hè nhiệt đới

  • searing pain

    đau rát

  • He spent several days wandering in the searing heat of the outback.

    Anh đã dành nhiều ngày lang thang trong cái nóng thiêu đốt của vùng hẻo lánh.

powerful and critical

mạnh mẽ và quan trọng

  • a searing attack on the government

    một cuộc tấn công gay gắt vào chính phủ

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