Definition of carriageway


đường xe ngựa


The word "carriageway" has its origins in the 14th century. It comes from the Old French words "carrege," meaning "wagon" or "chariot," and "voie," meaning "way" or "road." Initially, a carriageway referred to a route or path suitable for carts and carriages. Over time, the term's meaning expanded to encompass any road or pathway specifically designed for horse-drawn vehicles, such as coach roads or tracks. In the 19th century, as rail transportation became more prevalent, the term "carriageway" began to take on a more specific meaning, referring to the paved or surfaced sections of roads designed for horse-drawn vehicles, separate from pedestrian or footpath areas. Today, a carriageway is often used interchangeably with "pavement" or "roadway," although its historical connotation remains evident in its name.


one of the two sides of a motorway or other large road, used by traffic moving in the same direction

một trong hai bên đường cao tốc hoặc đường lớn khác, được sử dụng bởi phương tiện di chuyển theo cùng một hướng

  • the eastbound carriageway of the M50

    đường xe chạy về hướng đông của M50

Related words and phrases

the part of a road intended for vehicles, not people walking, etc.

phần đường dành cho xe cộ, không dành cho người đi bộ, v.v.

  • Vehicles should be parked as close as possible to the edge of the carriageway.

    Xe cộ phải được đỗ càng gần mép đường càng tốt.