Definition of bulldoze


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The word "bulldoze" has its origins in the early 20th century in the United States. It is believed to have been coined by construction workers who used bulldozers, a type of heavy equipment used for excavation and land clearing. During the 1920s and 1930s, bulldozers were becoming increasingly common on construction sites, particularly during the construction of highways, dams, and other large infrastructure projects. Workers who operated these machines were referred to as "bulldozer drivers" or "bulldozers." Over time, the term "bulldoze" began to be used figuratively to describe the act of aggressively pushing or forcing one's way through a crowd, obstacle, or opposition. This usage was likely influenced by the image of a bulldozer plowing through dirt and debris. By the mid-20th century, the word "bulldoze" had become a common part of American vocabulary.


to destroy buildings, trees, etc. with a bulldozer

phá hủy các tòa nhà, cây cối, v.v. bằng máy ủi

  • The trees are being bulldozed to make way for a new superstore.

    Cây cối đang bị san phẳng để nhường chỗ cho một siêu thị mới.

  • The makeshift dwellings were bulldozed into the ground.

    Những ngôi nhà tạm bợ bị san phẳng xuống đất.

to force your way somewhere; to force something somewhere

buộc phải đi đâu đó; buộc một cái gì đó ở đâu đó

  • Sterling bulldozed through to score.

    Sterling lao qua để ghi bàn.

  • They bulldozed the tax through Parliament.

    Họ đã san bằng thuế thông qua Quốc hội.

  • He bulldozed his way to victory.

    Anh ấy đã san bằng đường đi đến chiến thắng.

to force somebody to do something

buộc ai đó phải làm gì đó

  • They bulldozed him into selling.

    Họ ép anh ta phải bán.

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