Definition of raze




The origin of the word "raze" can be traced back to the Old French "raser," meaning "to shave" or "to scrape." The word initially entered the English language in the 14th century, where it was spelled "rasen" and meant "to shave closely" or "to scrape clean." Over time, the meaning of "raze" began to evolve, particularly in the context of construction. By the 16th century, "raze" was being used to refer to the act of tearing down a building or structure, typically in order to clear a site for a new construction project. This sense of the word has persisted to this day, with "raze" still being used to describe the process of demolishing a structure. In some dialects of English, "raze" has also taken on a figurative meaning, used to describe the act of destroying or eliminating something completely, as in the phrase "to raze a dispute to the ground." Interestingly, the spelling of the word "raze" has undergone some changes over time. In the early 17th century, "raze" was typically spelled "rasen," while by the end of that century, it was more commonly spelled as "raiz" or "raizes." Today, the preferred spelling is "raze," although some people still use variations like "raise" or "reaze." In summary, the word "raze" originated in Old French as a verb meaning "to shave" or "to scrape," and as it made its way into the English language, its meaning gradually evolved to refer to the demolition of a building or the complete elimination of something. The spelling of the word has also undergone some changes over time, but "raze" remains a commonly used word in the English language today.

  • The historic building was razed to make way for a new shopping complex.

    Tòa nhà lịch sử đã bị phá bỏ để nhường chỗ cho một khu phức hợp mua sắm mới.

  • The authorities decided to raze the entire slum area to prevent the spread of disease.

    Chính quyền quyết định san bằng toàn bộ khu ổ chuột để ngăn chặn sự lây lan của dịch bệnh.

  • The old castle has been reduced to rubble and will soon be completely razed.

    Lâu đài cổ đã bị biến thành đống đổ nát và sẽ sớm bị san phẳng hoàn toàn.

  • Rumors circulated that the government was planning to raze the entire city and start anew.

    Có tin đồn lan truyền rằng chính phủ đang có kế hoạch san bằng toàn bộ thành phố và xây dựng lại.

  • In order to expand the airport, the old airport terminal was razed and a larger one built in its place.

    Để mở rộng sân bay, nhà ga cũ đã bị phá bỏ và xây dựng một nhà ga lớn hơn tại vị trí đó.

  • The factory fire raged on until the entire building was razed to the ground.

    Ngọn lửa của nhà máy tiếp tục bùng cháy cho đến khi toàn bộ tòa nhà bị san phẳng.

  • After years of neglect, the abandoned factory was finally razed to prevent any accidents.

    Sau nhiều năm bị bỏ quên, nhà máy bỏ hoang cuối cùng đã bị phá bỏ để ngăn ngừa mọi tai nạn.

  • The architects presented a futuristic design that called for the razing of several historic buildings.

    Các kiến ​​trúc sư đã trình bày một thiết kế mang tính tương lai, trong đó yêu cầu phải phá bỏ một số tòa nhà lịch sử.

  • The town council approved a plan to raze a dilapidated block of buildings and replace it with affordable housing.

    Hội đồng thị trấn đã phê duyệt kế hoạch phá bỏ một dãy nhà đổ nát và thay thế bằng nhà ở giá rẻ.

  • The local government announced that it would raze the struggling small business district and revitalize the area with new shops and restaurants.

    Chính quyền địa phương tuyên bố sẽ phá hủy khu thương mại nhỏ đang gặp khó khăn và khôi phục khu vực này bằng các cửa hàng và nhà hàng mới.