Definition of biochemical


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The word "biochemical" is a compound word that combines "bio-" meaning life or living organisms, and "chemical" meaning relating to chemistry. The term was first used in the late 19th century, as scientists began to study the chemical processes that occur within living organisms. The earliest recorded use of the term "biochemical" was in 1882 by German chemist Emil Fischer, who used it to describe the chemical reactions involved in the digestion of food. The term quickly gained popularity as scientists began to understand the intricate relationships between living organisms and the chemical compounds that they produce and metabolize. Today, the field of biochemistry has grown to encompass a wide range of topics, from the structure and function of biomolecules to the mechanisms of disease and the development of new treatments. Despite its relatively recent origins, the term "biochemical" is now widely recognized and used in many fields of science and medicine.


connected with the scientific study of the chemistry of living things

liên quan đến nghiên cứu khoa học về hóa học của sinh vật sống

  • biochemical analysis/study

    phân tích/nghiên cứu sinh hóa

connected with the structure and behaviour of a living thing

liên quan đến cấu trúc và hành vi của một sinh vật sống

  • biochemical reactions/processes

    phản ứng/quá trình sinh hóa