Definition of pharmacy


hiệu thuốc, nhà thuốc


Definition of undefined

The word "pharmacy" originates from the Latin term "pharmacia," which means "to heal" or "to care for." The word "pharmaceutical" comes from the Greek term "pharmakon," which means "medicine" or "drug." The combination of "pharmacy" and "pharmaceutical" refers to the profession and practice of preparing and dispensing medication to patients. In the 14th century, the term "pharmacy" was borrowed from the Latin "pharmacia" and was used to describe the art or practice of preparing and dispensing medicines. Over time, the term has evolved to encompass not only the preparation and dispensing of medicines but also the many other aspects of healthcare that involve the use of medication. Today, the term "pharmacy" refers to a wide range of healthcare settings, from community pharmacies to hospital pharmacies to specialty pharmacies, where healthcare professionals work together to provide patients with the medications they need to manage their health.


a shop, or part of one, that sells medicines and drugs

một cửa hàng, hoặc một phần của cửa hàng, bán thuốc và dược phẩm

  • The cream is available at/from/in pharmacies without a prescription.

    Kem có sẵn tại/từ/tại các hiệu thuốc mà không cần kê đơn.

  • Research is bringing more effective new drugs to pharmacy shelves.

    Nghiên cứu đang đưa các loại thuốc mới hiệu quả hơn lên kệ thuốc.

Related words and phrases

a place in a hospital where medicines are prepared

một nơi trong bệnh viện nơi thuốc được chuẩn bị

Related words and phrases

the study of how to prepare medicines and drugs

nghiên cứu về cách chuẩn bị thuốc và thuốc