Definition of yeast




The word "yeast" has a fascinating history! The term originated from the Old English word "gyste," which means "leaven" or "foam." This term referred to the foam that forms on top of fermenting beer or wine, which was believed to be caused by the action of microorganisms such as yeast. In Middle English, around the 14th century, the term evolved to "yeast," and it became synonymous with the microorganisms themselves. The word "yeast" was first used to describe not just the foam, but also the living organisms that caused it. Today, yeast is used in baking, brewing, and winemaking, and the term has become a household name. Despite its origins in the frothy top of fermented drinks, yeast is now recognized as a vital ingredient in many food and beverage products, and the word has taken on a new meaning in the scientific and culinary worlds.

  • I added yeast to the dough because I want it to rise and become light and fluffy.

    Tôi thêm men vào bột vì tôi muốn bột nở và trở nên nhẹ và xốp.

  • The yeast in the beer creates carbonation, which makes it bubbly and refreshing.

    Men bia tạo ra cacbonat, khiến bia có bọt và sảng khoái.

  • Without yeast, bread would be dense and heavy, rather than airy and delicious.

    Nếu không có men, bánh mì sẽ đặc và nặng, thay vì xốp và ngon.

  • The bakery uses fresh yeast in their bread for the best results.

    Tiệm bánh sử dụng men tươi trong bánh mì để có kết quả tốt nhất.

  • My sourdough starter is alive with yeast and bacteria, giving my bread a unique tangy flavor.

    Men chua của tôi chứa đầy nấm men và vi khuẩn, mang lại cho bánh mì hương vị chua đặc trưng.

  • The bread machine includes yeast in the recipe, so you don't need to add it separately.

    Máy làm bánh mì có chứa men trong công thức, do đó bạn không cần phải thêm men riêng.

  • Don't let the yeast get too warm, or it will become too active and cause the dough to rise too quickly.

    Đừng để men quá ấm, nếu không men sẽ hoạt động quá mức và khiến bột nở quá nhanh.

  • Yeast feeds on sugar and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide, which makes dough rise.

    Nấm men hấp thụ đường và tạo ra cồn và carbon dioxide, giúp bột nở ra.

  • I let the dough rise for an hour before punching it down and shaping it for baking.

    Tôi để bột nở trong một giờ trước khi nhào bột và tạo hình để nướng.

  • The bread maker recommended using instant yeast, as it doesn't need to be activated in warm water before adding it to the dough.

    Người làm bánh mì khuyên dùng men nở tức thời vì không cần phải kích hoạt men trong nước ấm trước khi cho vào bột.

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