Definition of beeline


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The word "beeline" is a term used to describe the direct, straight flight path that honeybees take when traveling from their hive to a specific destination, such as a flower source for nectar or a new hive location. The term "beeline" comes from the Old English word "began," meaning "to move quickly and directly." When beekeepers and scientists began observing the behavior of honeybees in the mid-1800s, they noticed the striking, direct flight path that bees took between the hive and the flowers they visited. They used the Old English word "began" to describe this path, adapting it into the modern-day term "beeline." The beeline of a honeybee is not necessarily a straight line as the crow flies, but rather the most efficient path based on environmental factors such as wind direction, terrain, and the distance to the destination. This can result in zigzagging or backtracking, but overall, honeybees are remarkable navigators, able to memorize and follow intricate beeline routes.

  • The worker bees in the hive made a beeline for the nearby field filled with wildflowers to gather nectar.

    Những chú ong thợ trong tổ bay thẳng đến cánh đồng hoa dại gần đó để lấy mật hoa.

  • As soon as she heard the siren, the firefighters dashed in a beeline towards the burning building.

    Ngay khi nghe thấy tiếng còi báo động, lính cứu hỏa đã lao thẳng về phía tòa nhà đang cháy.

  • The bird flew in a beeline from its nest to the bird bath outside the window.

    Con chim bay thẳng từ tổ đến bồn tắm chim bên ngoài cửa sổ.

  • The shoppers rushed in a beeline towards the sale section in the department store.

    Những người mua sắm vội vã đổ xô đến khu vực bán hàng giảm giá trong cửa hàng bách hóa.

  • The stock brokers made a beeline for their trading desks as soon as the market opened.

    Các nhà môi giới chứng khoán đổ xô đến bàn giao dịch ngay khi thị trường mở cửa.

  • The children raced home in a beeline after school, hoping to beat the rain.

    Sau giờ học, bọn trẻ chạy thẳng về nhà với hy vọng tránh được cơn mưa.

  • As soon as the astronaut stepped outside the spacecraft, he made a beeline towards the experimental space station.

    Ngay khi phi hành gia bước ra khỏi tàu vũ trụ, ông đã đi thẳng tới trạm vũ trụ thử nghiệm.

  • The athletes sprinted in a beeline towards the finish line after a grueling race.

    Các vận động viên chạy nước rút về đích sau một cuộc đua mệt mỏi.

  • The tourists followed the guided tour in a beeline through the bustling market.

    Du khách đi theo hướng dẫn viên tham quan thẳng qua khu chợ nhộn nhịp.

  • The bus talent spotted the exit sign and made a beeline towards the door, eager to disembark.

    Tài năng xe buýt nhìn thấy biển báo lối ra và chạy thẳng tới cửa, háo hức muốn xuống xe.


make a beeline for something/somebody
(informal)to go straight towards something/somebody as quickly as you can
  • As soon as she arrived at the party, she made a beeline for the food.