Definition of speedy


nhanh chóng


Definition of undefined

"Speedy" comes from the Old English word "spēd," meaning "speed, haste, success." This word was a noun, but over time, it evolved into an adjective, "spēdig," meaning "swift, quick." This adjective, "spēdig," was then adopted into Middle English as "speedy," and the "y" ending helped solidify its shift from noun to adjective. The word has retained its sense of quickness and swiftness through the centuries.


happening or done quickly or without delay

xảy ra hoặc thực hiện nhanh chóng hoặc không chậm trễ

  • We wish you a speedy recovery (= from an illness or injury).

    Chúng tôi chúc bạn hồi phục nhanh chóng (= sau bệnh tật hoặc chấn thương).

  • a speedy reply

    một câu trả lời nhanh chóng

Related words and phrases

moving or working very quickly

di chuyển hoặc làm việc rất nhanh

  • speedy computers

    máy tính nhanh