Definition of backstory


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The word "backstory" has its roots in the early 20th century in the United States. It emerged from the world of comics and pulp fiction, where it referred to the pre-existing narrative or history of a character that wasn't explicitly revealed in the main story. This concept allowed writers to add depth and complexity to their characters without overcrowding the main narrative. The term "backstory" is a combination of "back" and "story," and it gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s with the rise of character-driven fiction. Since then, "backstory" has become a common term in various creative fields, including film, literature, and even gaming. It now refers to any pre-existing narrative or context that informs a character's actions, motivations, or personality.


the things that are supposed to have happened to the characters in a film, novel, etc., before the film, etc. starts

những điều được cho là đã xảy ra với các nhân vật trong phim, tiểu thuyết, v.v., trước khi bộ phim, v.v. bắt đầu

  • The film spends too long establishing the characters' backstories.

    Bộ phim dành quá nhiều thời gian để xây dựng câu chuyện quá khứ của các nhân vật.

the background to a news story

bối cảnh của một câu chuyện tin tức

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    Đầu tiên, một số câu chuyện đằng sau:…