Definition of await


chờ đợi


The word "await" comes from the old French verb "estre"; "es-tre," pronounced as "estre," meant "to be" or "to exist". In the Middle English period, this French verb was loaned to English, and its form was "este." Later, to indicate a temporal delay, and especially the expectation of someone's arrival, a word was added to it, and as a result, the original verb transformed into "avouen," which is pronounced as "avowan." In this new form, "a" was used to signify a word denoting the notion of delay, while "owen" was part of the old English word "ganian," which meant "to begin;" "a-oven" was synonymous with "on begin" in this newly-formed word. With time, "avouen" changed and eventually evolved into "awaten," which is pronounced as "awatyn." This transformation resulted from the A-V shifts that occurred in the English language, and linguists believe that this change has been brought by the Anglo-Saxon invasion, which occurred in 449 AD. Eventually, the word "await" came into being from "awatyn" in the late Middle English period. The original meaning of "awatyn" might have been similar to that of "await" since it implied waiting and noble anticipation too.


to wait for somebody/something

chờ đợi ai đó/cái gì đó

  • He is in custody awaiting trial.

    Anh ta đang bị giam chờ xét xử.

  • Her latest novel is eagerly awaited.

    Cuốn tiểu thuyết mới nhất của cô đang được háo hức chờ đợi.

Extra examples:
  • The outcome of the appeal is awaited with interest.

    Kết quả của kháng cáo được chờ đợi với sự quan tâm.

  • her long awaited return to professional tennis

    sự trở lại quần vợt chuyên nghiệp được chờ đợi từ lâu của cô

  • Scientists are still awaiting the results of tests.

    Các nhà khoa học vẫn đang chờ kết quả xét nghiệm.

to be going to happen to somebody

sắp xảy ra với ai đó

  • A warm welcome awaits all our guests.

    Sự chào đón nồng nhiệt đang chờ đợi tất cả các vị khách của chúng tôi.

  • Who knows what dangers may await us?

    Ai biết được những nguy hiểm nào có thể chờ đợi chúng ta?