Definition of attractiveness


hấp dẫn


The word "attractiveness" originated from the Old French word "atraire," meaning "to draw, attract, or pull." The "at-" prefix, coming from Latin, emphasizes the act of drawing something towards oneself. This idea of "drawing in" connects to the concept of attractiveness, which signifies a quality that draws someone's attention or interest. Over time, "atraire" evolved into "attraire" in French, and eventually, the English word "attract" came into use. "Attractiveness" then emerged as a noun form, describing the quality of being attractive.


the quality of being pleasant to look at or experience

chất lượng của sự dễ chịu khi nhìn vào hoặc trải nghiệm

  • her physical attractiveness

    sự hấp dẫn về thể chất của cô ấy

the quality of seeming interesting or worth having

chất lượng có vẻ thú vị hoặc đáng có

  • the attractiveness of travelling abroad

    sức hấp dẫn của du lịch nước ngoài