Definition of as




Definition of undefined

The word "as" has a rich history! It originated from Old English as, which was a preposition meaning "by" or "with". It evolved from Proto-Germanic *aiziz, which was also used as a preposition. In Old English, "as" was often used to indicate equality or similarity, such as "as big as a house" or "as fast as a horse". This sense of "as" as a comparative phrase is still used in Modern English today. Throughout Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the spelling and meaning of "as" changed slightly, with the addition of the Modern English sense of indicating "in the same way" or "to the same extent". For example, "I run as fast as I can". Today, "as" is a versatile word used in a range of contexts, from clauses ("I am thinking as fast as I can") to phrases ("as I was saying") to gentle criticism ("as good as it gets"). Despite its evolution, the foundation of "as" remains rooted in its Old English and Proto-Germanic antecedents.


used to describe somebody/something appearing to be somebody/something else

dùng để mô tả ai đó/cái gì đó có vẻ giống ai đó/cái gì khác

  • They were all dressed as clowns.

    Tất cả họ đều ăn mặc như những chú hề.

  • The bomb was disguised as a package.

    Quả bom được ngụy trang dưới dạng một gói hàng.

used to describe the fact that somebody/something has a particular job or function

dùng để mô tả sự thật rằng ai đó/cái gì đó có một công việc hoặc chức năng cụ thể

  • She works as a courier.

    Cô ấy làm nghề chuyển phát nhanh.

  • Treat me as a friend.

    Hãy đối xử với tôi như một người bạn.

  • I respect him as a doctor.

    Tôi tôn trọng anh ấy như một bác sĩ.

  • You can use that glass as a vase.

    Bạn có thể sử dụng chiếc ly đó như một chiếc bình.

  • The news came as a shock.

    Tin tức đến như một cú sốc.

  • She had been there often as a child (= when she was a child).

    Cô ấy đã thường xuyên ở đó khi còn nhỏ (= khi cô ấy còn nhỏ).