Definition of ancillary


phụ trợ


The word "ancillary" has its roots in Latin. The adjective "ancillaris" means "of or pertaining to a servant" or "secondary". This Latin term is derived from "ancilla", which means "maid" or "female servant". In the 15th century, the English language borrowed the Latin adjective and modified it to "ancillary", which originally referred to something that was subordinate or secondary to a main issue or activity. In modern English, "ancillary" typically refers to something that supports or accompanies a main activity, such as a service, function, or task that is subordinate but essential to the main purpose. For example, in business or medicine, ancillary services might include things like accounting, marketing, or medical testing. The word has evolved to convey a sense of assistantship or support, emphasizing the importance of secondary components that help achieve a larger goal.


providing necessary support to the main work or activities of an organization

cung cấp hỗ trợ cần thiết cho công việc hoặc hoạt động chính của một tổ chức

  • ancillary staff/services/equipment

    nhân viên phụ trợ/dịch vụ/thiết bị

  • ancillary workers in the health service such as cooks and cleaners

    nhân viên phụ trợ trong dịch vụ y tế như đầu bếp và người dọn dẹp

Related words and phrases

in addition to something else but not as important

ngoài cái gì khác nhưng không quan trọng bằng

  • ancillary rights

    quyền phụ trợ