Definition of yellow


vàng, màu vàng


Definition of undefined

The word "yellow" has its roots in Old English. The earliest recorded use of the word "geolwe" dates back to the 5th century. Over time, the spelling evolved to "geolu" in Middle English (circa 1100-1500) and eventually "yellow" in Modern English. The word is believed to have come from the Proto-Germanic word "guliz", which was also the source of the Modern German word "gelb". This, in turn, is thought to have been derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "ghel-" which meant "shining" or "golden". It's interesting to note that the word "yellow" didn't always describe the color we associate with it today. In Old English, "yellow" could also refer to a brownish or greenish hue. It wasn't until the 14th century that the modern sense of the word, describing a bright, vibrant yellow, became more widespread.


having the colour of lemons or butter

có màu chanh hoặc bơ

  • pale yellow flowers

    hoa màu vàng nhạt

  • a bright yellow waterproof jacket

    một chiếc áo khoác không thấm nước màu vàng sáng

  • Her teeth were rather yellow.

    Răng của cô ấy khá vàng.

  • She wore a pale yellow dress.

    Cô mặc một chiếc váy màu vàng nhạt.

  • The leaves turn yellow in November.

    Lá chuyển sang màu vàng vào tháng 11.

a very offensive word used to describe the light brown skin of people from some East Asian countries

một từ rất xúc phạm dùng để mô tả làn da nâu nhạt của người dân một số nước Đông Á

easily frightened

dễ dàng sợ hãi

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