Definition of withered


khô héo


The word "withered" traces its roots back to the Old English word "wīþerian," meaning "to become dry or fade." This word itself is related to the Proto-Germanic word "wīþraz," which meant "weather, storm." The connection lies in the fact that harsh weather conditions cause plants and other things to become dry and withered. Over time, the word evolved from describing the effects of weather to encompassing the broader concept of withering, which can refer to the decline or decay of anything, including physical objects, emotions, and even hopes.


dried up and dead

khô héo và chết

  • withered leaves

    lá héo

Related words and phrases

looking old because they are thin and weak and have very dry skin

trông già vì họ gầy, yếu và có làn da rất khô

thin and weak and not fully developed because of disease

gầy yếu và chưa phát triển đầy đủ vì bệnh tật

  • withered limbs

    chân tay khô héo