Definition of windswept




"Windswept" is a compound word, combining "wind" and "swept." The "swept" part comes from the Old English word "swefan," meaning "to sweep." The word likely emerged as a descriptive term for landscapes and objects exposed to strong, constant winds, emphasizing their "swept" appearance due to the force of the wind. The combination of the two words, "wind" and "swept," creates a vivid image of something being shaped and influenced by the wind.


having strong winds and little protection from them

có gió mạnh và ít được bảo vệ khỏi chúng

  • the windswept Atlantic coast

    bờ biển Đại Tây Dương lộng gió

Extra examples:
  • The building is on the windswept coastline.

    Tòa nhà nằm trên bờ biển lộng gió.

  • We reached a windswept plateau.

    Chúng tôi đến một cao nguyên lộng gió.

  • the barren windswept slopes of the Ayrshire hills

    những sườn đồi Ayrshire cằn cỗi gió thổi

looking as though you have been in a strong wind

trông như thể bạn đang ở trong một cơn gió mạnh

  • windswept hair

    mái tóc lộng gió