Definition of virtuously


một cách có đạo đức


The word "virtuously" is derived from the Latin word "virtus," meaning "virtue" or "moral excellence." The term has been used in the English language since the 15th century. In its earliest sense, "virtuously" was used to describe behavior that exhibited moral excellence or righteousness. For example, a person who lived a virtuous life was one who conformed to the standards of good behavior and moral principles. Over time, the word took on a more positive connotation, implying not only moral excellence but also a sense of self-righteousness or moral superiority. Today, "virtuously" is often used to describe behavior that is considered admirable, noble, or morally upright, such as living a life of service to others or sticking to one's principles in the face of adversity. Despite its nuances, the word "virtuously" remains a powerful term for describing behavior that reflects high moral standards.


in a very good or moral way

theo một cách rất tốt hoặc đạo đức

  • Most religions ask us to live virtuously.

    Hầu hết các tôn giáo đều yêu cầu chúng ta sống đức hạnh.

in a way that involves claiming or feeling that you behave better or have higher moral standards than other people

theo cách liên quan đến việc tuyên bố hoặc cảm thấy rằng bạn cư xử tốt hơn hoặc có tiêu chuẩn đạo đức cao hơn những người khác

  • I virtuously refused a piece of cake.

    Tôi đã khéo léo từ chối một miếng bánh.