Definition of versatile


linh hoạt


The word "versatile" originates from the Latin words "versare," meaning "to turn" and "versatilis," meaning "turning easily." In Latin, "versatilis" was used to describe something that could turn or change easily, such as a versatile sword that could be used in different ways. The English word "versatile" was first recorded in the 15th century and was initially used to describe something or someone that was capable of changing or adapting to different situations easily. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the idea of being able to perform multiple tasks or functions with ease, which is the definition we know today. In essence, a versatile person or thing is one that can "turn" or adapt to a variety of situations, tasks, or roles with ease.


able to do many different things

có thể làm nhiều việc khác nhau

  • He's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts.

    Anh ấy là một diễn viên đa năng, có thể đóng nhiều vai khác nhau.

having many different uses

có nhiều công dụng khác nhau

  • Eggs are easy to cook and are an extremely versatile food.

    Trứng rất dễ nấu và là một loại thực phẩm cực kỳ linh hoạt.

Extra examples:
  • According to the manufacturer, they are ‘the newest and most versatile shoe.’

    Theo nhà sản xuất, chúng là 'giày mới nhất và linh hoạt nhất'.

  • Fleeces are so versatile and functional these days.

    Lông cừu ngày nay rất linh hoạt và có nhiều chức năng.