Definition of uproarious


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The word "uproarious" has its roots in the Old French word "uprorier," meaning "to raise a tumult." This, in turn, came from the Latin "subroare," meaning "to roar beneath." The connection to noise is clear, as "roar" implies a loud and forceful sound. "Uproar" evolved to describe a state of loud and confused noise, and "uproarious" naturally followed, describing something that causes or is characterized by this kind of clamor.


in which there is a lot of noise and people laugh or shout a lot

trong đó có rất nhiều tiếng ồn và mọi người cười hoặc la hét rất nhiều

  • an uproarious party

    một bữa tiệc náo nhiệt

extremely funny

cực kỳ hài hước

  • an uproarious story

    một câu chuyện ồn ào