Definition of unsparingly


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The word "unsparingly" has an interesting etymology. It originated in the late 16th century as "unsparenly" or "unsparingly", from the Old English words "un-" meaning "not" or "without" and "sparen" meaning "to spare". Initially, it meant "without sparing" or "impartially", suggesting actions without reserve or hesitation. Over time, the word evolved to convey a sense of unrelenting or unwavering characteristics, such as unceasing effort or unflinching dedication. In modern usage, "unsparingly" often describes actions or treatment that are consistent, thorough, or vigorous, often in a positive sense, e.g. "She worked unsparingly on her project, making it a masterpiece".


without caring about people's feelings

không quan tâm đến cảm xúc của mọi người

  • He has been unsparingly critical of the quality of other scientists' work.

    Ông đã chỉ trích gay gắt chất lượng công trình nghiên cứu của các nhà khoa học khác.

in a very generous way

theo một cách rất hào phóng

  • an unsparingly generous hostess

    một bà chủ nhà vô cùng hào phóng