Definition of fiercely


dữ dội


"Fiercely" comes from the Old English word "fierce," meaning "intense" or "strong." The "ly" suffix was added later to create an adverb, indicating how something is done. The word "fierce" itself likely originates from the Proto-Germanic word "fairkaz," which also meant "fierce" or "strong." This word further traces back to the Proto-Indo-European root "perk-," meaning "to pierce" or "to strike." So, "fiercely" essentially describes something done with a strong, piercing, or intense force.


in a way that shows strong feelings; with a lot of activity or determination

theo cách thể hiện cảm xúc mạnh mẽ; với rất nhiều hoạt động hoặc quyết tâm

  • ‘Let go of me,’ she said fiercely.

    “Thả tôi ra,” cô nói một cách dữ dội.

  • a fiercely competitive market

    một thị trường cạnh tranh khốc liệt

  • They remain fiercely opposed to outside intervention.

    Họ vẫn kiên quyết phản đối sự can thiệp từ bên ngoài.

very strongly in a way that could cause damage

rất mạnh theo cách có thể gây ra thiệt hại

  • The aircraft was burning fiercely.

    Máy bay bốc cháy dữ dội.