Definition of unfamiliarity


sự không quen thuộc


The word "unfamiliarity" originated in the 15th century from the Latin words "un-" meaning "not" and "familiaris" meaning "familiar" or "well-known". In English, the noun "unfamiliarity" was first recorded in 1461 and was used to describe a lack of knowledge or experience about something or someone. Over time, the word evolved to encompass a range of meanings, including a lack of familiarity with a place, a person, or a concept. In its earliest uses, the word "unfamiliarity" often implied a sense of discomfort or unease, as in being in an unfamiliar social or cultural environment. Today, the word is often used more broadly to describe a general feeling of unfamiliarity with something, whether it be a new technology, a foreign language, or a new situation.


the fact of not knowing or recognizing somebody/something

sự thật là không biết hoặc không nhận ra ai đó/cái gì đó

  • the unfamiliarity of these new faces

    sự xa lạ của những khuôn mặt mới này

the fact of having no knowledge or experience of something

thực tế là không có kiến ​​thức hoặc kinh nghiệm về một cái gì đó

  • He admits his relative unfamiliarity with this literature.

    Ông thừa nhận mình tương đối xa lạ với loại văn học này.