Definition of strangeness


sự kỳ lạ


The word "strangeness" has its roots in Old English and Old Norse. In Old English, the word "strang" meant "twisted" or "wound," while in Old Norse, the word "strangr" meant "strange" or "unnatural." Over time, the suffix "-ness" was added to the Old English word "strang," resulting in the modern English word "strangeness." In the 14th century, the word "strangeness" referred specifically to something twisted or distorted, such as a strange shape or behavior. In the 15th century, the meaning expanded to include something unusual or unexpected, such as a strange occurrence or a person's strange behavior. Today, "strangeness" is used to describe anything that seems unusual, peculiar, or difficult to understand.


the fact of being unusual or surprising, especially in a way that is difficult to understand

sự việc trở nên bất thường hoặc đáng ngạc nhiên, đặc biệt là theo cách khó hiểu

  • the sheer strangeness of this classic film

    sự kỳ lạ tuyệt đối của bộ phim kinh điển này

the fact of not being familiar because you have not been there before or met the person before

thực tế là bạn không quen biết vì bạn chưa từng đến đó hoặc chưa từng gặp người đó trước đây

  • the strangeness of her surroundings

    sự kỳ lạ của môi trường xung quanh cô ấy