Definition of underwriter


bảo lãnh phát hành


"Underwriter" has maritime roots. In the 16th century, ship owners would "underwrite" (literally write underneath) portions of a ship's cargo value on a document, signifying their willingness to share the risk of loss at sea. This practice evolved into the modern concept of insurance, where underwriters assess risk and agree to cover potential losses in exchange for premiums. The term has expanded to include anyone who agrees to guarantee financial obligations, including investment bankers who underwrite new stock issues.


a person or organization that underwrites insurance policies, especially for ships

một người hoặc tổ chức bảo lãnh các chính sách bảo hiểm, đặc biệt là cho tàu

a person whose job is to estimate the risks involved in a particular activity and decide how much somebody must pay for insurance

người có công việc ước tính rủi ro trong một hoạt động cụ thể và quyết định ai đó phải trả bao nhiêu tiền bảo hiểm