Definition of unawares


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The origin of the word "unawares" can be traced back to the Middle English language, which was spoken in England around the 1400s. The Middle English word "un-" meaning "not, lacking" combined with the Old English words "aweoran" meaning "awaken" and "seon" meaning "see, perceive" to form the word "unawarenese," which was used to describe being unaware or unexpectedly surprised. Over time, the term evolved, losing its ending "-ness" in the 1500s, and changing its spelling to "unawares" in the 1600s, as seen in the works of renowned writers like Shakespeare and Milton. Today, "unawares" continues to be used in modern English to signify being unperceiving or unprepared for something unexpected.


when not expected

khi không được mong đợi

  • The camera had caught her unawares.

    Máy quay đã bắt được cô một cách bất ngờ.

  • The announcement took me unawares.

    Thông báo khiến tôi bất ngờ.

  • She came upon him unawares when he was searching her room.

    Cô tình cờ gặp anh khi anh đang lục soát phòng cô.

without noticing or realizing

mà không nhận thấy hoặc nhận ra

  • He slipped unawares into sleep.

    Anh bất giác chìm vào giấc ngủ.