Definition of lightweight




The word "lightweight" originally referred to something that was literally light in weight. It evolved from the words "light" and "weight" in the 16th century. Over time, the word "lightweight" developed a figurative meaning, describing something that was not substantial or significant. This could be applied to people, objects, or even ideas. For example, someone who was easily swayed or influenced might be called a "lightweight." Similarly, a flimsy argument or a poorly made product could also be described as "lightweight."


made of thinner material and less heavy than usual

được làm bằng vật liệu mỏng hơn và nhẹ hơn bình thường

  • a lightweight jacket

    một chiếc áo khoác nhẹ

  • a lightweight aluminium engine

    một động cơ nhôm nhẹ

not very serious or impressive

không nghiêm túc hoặc ấn tượng lắm

  • a lightweight book

    một cuốn sách nhẹ

  • He was considered too lightweight for the job.

    Anh ta được coi là quá nhẹ cho công việc.

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