Definition of thankfully


Rất may


The word "thankfully" originated from the Old English word "þæncan," which meant "to thank." Over time, this word evolved into the Middle English "thanken," and later the modern English "thank." The suffix "-ly" was added to the end of words to indicate that the action described by the root word was done in a particular way. For example, "happily" comes from the root word "happy," and "quickly" comes from the root word "quick." "Thankfully" is a compound word composed of the root word "thank" and the suffix "-ly." It first appeared in the English language in the 16th century and was used to describe an action or event that occurred in a way that resulted in thanks being given or expressed. Today, "thankfully" is commonly used to express gratitude for an outcome that could have been negative but was prevented or mitigated. For example, "Thankfully, it didn't rain on the day of our outdoor wedding" or "Thankfully, I caught the virus just before I had to travel." In summary, "thankfully" is a modern English compound word that originated from two older English words, "thank" and "-ly," and is used to indicate gratitude for an outcome resulting from thankfulness.


used to show that you are pleased that something good has happened or that something bad has been avoided

được sử dụng để thể hiện rằng bạn hài lòng vì điều gì đó tốt đẹp đã xảy ra hoặc điều gì đó tồi tệ đã tránh được

  • There was a fire in the building, but thankfully no one was hurt.

    Đã xảy ra hỏa hoạn trong tòa nhà nhưng rất may không có ai bị thương.

  • Thankfully, the house was empty when I got home.

    May mắn thay, khi tôi về đến nhà, ngôi nhà trống rỗng.

Related words and phrases

in a pleased or grateful way

một cách hài lòng hoặc biết ơn

  • At the end of a busy day, I just sink thankfully into bed.

    Kết thúc một ngày bận rộn, tôi may mắn được chìm vào giường.

  • I accepted the invitation thankfully.

    Tôi đã chấp nhận lời mời một cách may mắn.