Definition of lucky


gặp may, gặp may mắn, hạnh phúc


Definition of undefined

The word "lucky" ultimately stems from the Old English word "hēafod-lēc," meaning "head-lot." This referred to a head or chief portion, and later evolved into "luck," signifying a person's fate or fortune. Over time, "luck" became associated with good fortune or chance, and "lucky" emerged as an adjective describing something or someone favored by chance. The modern word "lucky" has been used since the 14th century, solidifying its association with positive outcomes and good fortune.


having good luck

chúc may mắn

  • His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive.

    Bạn của anh ấy đã bị giết và anh ấy biết mình thật may mắn khi còn sống.

  • She was lucky enough to be chosen for the team.

    Cô ấy thật may mắn khi được chọn vào đội.

  • You were lucky (that) you spotted the danger in time.

    Bạn thật may mắn (vì) đã phát hiện ra mối nguy hiểm kịp thời.

  • In terms of my career I feel incredibly lucky.

    Về sự nghiệp, tôi cảm thấy vô cùng may mắn.

  • You can think yourself lucky you didn't get mugged.

    Bạn có thể nghĩ mình may mắn vì không bị cướp.

  • She counted herself lucky that she still had a job.

    Cô thấy mình thật may mắn khi vẫn còn có việc làm.

  • Mark is one of the lucky ones—he at least has somewhere to sleep.

    Mark là một trong những người may mắn - ít nhất anh ấy cũng có nơi để ngủ.

  • the lucky winners

    những người chiến thắng may mắn

  • He was among the lucky ones whose works were approved.

    Anh ấy là một trong những người may mắn có tác phẩm được phê duyệt.

Extra examples:
  • That was just plain lucky.

    Đó đơn giản là sự may mắn.

  • We've been pretty lucky so far.

    Chúng tôi đã khá may mắn cho đến nay.

Related words and phrases

being the result of good luck

là kết quả của sự may mắn

  • It was lucky for us that we were able to go.

    Thật may mắn cho chúng tôi khi chúng tôi có thể đi được.

  • Lucky for her, a police car was passing.

    May mắn cho cô là có một chiếc xe cảnh sát đi ngang qua.

  • It is lucky (that) neither were killed in the accident.

    Thật may mắn (rằng) không ai thiệt mạng trong vụ tai nạn.

  • That was the luckiest escape of my life.

    Đó là cuộc trốn thoát may mắn nhất trong đời tôi.

  • a lucky guess

    một dự đoán may mắn

  • A lucky find on the edge of the Cotswolds is helping archaeologists discover what life was like in Roman Britain.

    Một phát hiện may mắn ở rìa Cotswolds đang giúp các nhà khảo cổ khám phá cuộc sống ở Anh thời La Mã như thế nào.

  • I had a lucky break when I left school getting a job on local radio.

    Tôi đã có một cơ hội may mắn khi bỏ học và kiếm được một công việc ở đài phát thanh địa phương.

bringing good luck

mang lại may mắn

  • a lucky charm

    một cái bùa may mắn

  • The team thinks of me as their lucky mascot.

    Nhóm nghiên cứu coi tôi như linh vật may mắn của họ.


get lucky
to have good luck
  • She hopes that some day she'll get lucky and win the jackpot.
  • to meet somebody new and have sex with them
  • Mike's hoping to get lucky tonight.
  • lucky you, me, etc.
    (informal)used to show that you think somebody is lucky to have something, be able to do something, etc.
  • ‘I'm off to Paris.’ ‘Lucky you!’
  • strike (it) lucky
    (informal)to have good luck
  • We certainly struck it lucky with the weather.
  • thank your lucky stars
    to feel very grateful and lucky about something
  • Just thank your lucky stars you weren’t in the house at the time.
  • third time lucky
    used when you have failed to do something twice and hope that you will succeed the third time
    you’ll be lucky
    (informal)used to tell somebody that something that they are expecting probably will not happen
  • ‘I was hoping to get a ticket for Saturday.’ ‘You'll be lucky.’
  • you, etc. should be so lucky
    (informal)used to tell somebody that they will probably not get what they are hoping for, and may not deserve it