Definition of indebted


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The word "indebted" originated from the Middle English term "in-debt," which appeared in the 14th century. The prefix "in" here means "in," and it indicates a state or condition in which a person is placed. The word "debt" has its roots in the Old English words "debt" and "deot," which were closely related to the word "dedican," meaning "dedicate." This demonstrates the historical connection between obligation and devotion, as the first recorded uses of the word "debt" were in relation to religious pledges, oaths or promises made to a deity. The term "indebted" appears to have originated from the merging of the preposition "in" and the noun "debt." This construction essentially describes a condition in which a person is trapped or submerged because of a debt or an obligation that someone owes another person. Thus, "indebted" signifies not only the financial situation of an individual but also a sense of responsibility, gratitude, or remorse depending on the context in which it is used.


grateful to somebody for helping you

biết ơn ai đó đã giúp đỡ bạn

  • I am deeply indebted to my family for all their help.

    Tôi vô cùng biết ơn gia đình tôi vì mọi sự giúp đỡ của họ.

  • Thank you—I am forever indebted to you.

    Cảm ơn bạn - tôi mãi mãi mang ơn bạn.

owing money to other countries or organizations

nợ tiền của các quốc gia hoặc tổ chức khác

  • a list of the fifteen most heavily indebted nations

    danh sách 15 quốc gia mắc nợ nhiều nhất

Extra examples:
  • I did not want to be financially indebted to him.

    Tôi không muốn mắc nợ tài chính với anh ấy.

  • The company is heavily indebted.

    Công ty đang nợ nần chồng chất.

  • highly indebted countries

    các nước mắc nợ nhiều

  • indebted to the bank

    mắc nợ ngân hàng