Definition of tenacious


ngoan cường


The word "tenacious" originated from the Latin adjective "tenacious" which meant holding or grasping tightly. The Latin root "ten-" came from the word "tenere", meaning "to hold". In the 16th century, the English word "tenacity" entered the lexicon, derived from the Latin "tenacitas". The adjective "tenacious" followed shortly afterwards, appearing in written English in the late 1600s. Initially, "tenacious" referred to objects that held onto other things tightly, such as glue or tape. Over time, the meaning expanded to describe people who exhibit a similar quality of persistence or determination in pursuit of an objective, despite facing obstacles or challenges. The phrase "grit and tenacity" is often used contemporarily to describe people who exhibit a dogged determination and perseverance. In summary, the origin of the word "tenacious" can be traced back to its Latin roots, and its meaning has evolved to describe people with unwavering resolve in their pursuits.


that does not stop holding something or give up something easily; determined

điều đó không ngừng nắm giữ một cái gì đó hoặc từ bỏ một cái gì đó một cách dễ dàng; xác định

  • a tenacious grip

    một sự kìm kẹp ngoan cường

  • She's a tenacious woman. She never gives up.

    Cô ấy là một người phụ nữ kiên cường. Cô ấy không bao giờ bỏ cuộc.

  • The party has kept its tenacious hold on power for more than twenty years.

    Đảng đã giữ vững quyền lực trong hơn hai mươi năm.

continuing to exist, have influence, etc. for longer than you might expect

tiếp tục tồn tại, có ảnh hưởng, v.v. lâu hơn bạn có thể mong đợi

  • a tenacious illness

    một căn bệnh dai dẳng

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