Definition of tangibly


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The word "tangibly" has its roots in the 15th century, derived from the Latin word "tangere," which means "to touch." In medieval Latin, "tangibilis" referred to something that could be touched or physically sensed. The English language adopted the word "tangible" from Old French, which used the phrase "tangiblement" (by touch) or "en tangible" (in a tangible way). By the 16th century, "tangibly" emerged as an adverb, describing something that can be sensed or perceived through physical contact. Today, the word "tangibly" is often used to describe concepts that can be experienced or understood through sensory means, such as a tangible object, a tangibly strong connection, or even a tangibly delicious meal!


in a way that can be clearly seen or understood

theo cách có thể nhìn thấy hoặc hiểu rõ ràng

  • There is a tangibly European aspect to his work.

    Có một khía cạnh thực tế của châu Âu trong tác phẩm của ông.

in a way that you can touch or feel

theo cách mà bạn có thể chạm vào hoặc cảm nhận

  • Laura was almost tangibly aware of his hard grey eyes focused on her.

    Laura gần như nhận thấy rõ ràng đôi mắt xám cứng rắn của anh đang tập trung vào cô.