Definition of talky


nói nhiều


The word "talky" has its origin in the late 19th century. During this period, a "talky" referred to someone who was overly talkative or chatty. This sense of the word comes from the earlier usage of "talky" as an adjective, which meant "given to talking" or "loquacious." In the late 1800s, the term "talky" became a colloquialism, especially in the United States. It was often used to describe someone who dominated conversations or talked excessively. Over time, the meaning of "talky" has expanded to include a sense of being enthusiastic, excitable, or even gossip-prone. Today, "talky" is often used in a lighthearted or humorous way to describe someone who loves to chat or share their thoughts with others.


containing a lot of talk or conversation

chứa nhiều lời nói hoặc cuộc trò chuyện

  • The film is brilliantly animated, but it’s overly talky and suffers from painfully slow pacing.

    Bộ phim được hoạt họa rất tuyệt vời, nhưng lại có quá nhiều lời thoại và nhịp phim chậm đến mức khó chịu.

liking to talk a lot

thích nói nhiều

  • The smartest, talkiest students often need to be discouraged from dominating the class.

    Những học sinh thông minh và nói nhiều nhất thường cần phải được ngăn chặn để không chiếm ưu thế trong lớp.

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