Definition of gossipy


hay buôn chuyện


The word "gossipy" originates from the late 18th century. It is derived from the name of Dorothy Gossop, a notorious British gossip columnist. The term "gossipy" was first used in the 1780s to describe someone who engaged in spreading rumors and gossip, much like Gossop was known for doing in her newspapers. Initially, the term was used in a derogatory sense, implying someone who was malicious and insensitive when sharing information. Over time, the meaning of "gossipy" evolved to include someone who was overly curious or fond of sharing information, often without concern for its accuracy or impact on others. Today, "gossipy" is often used to describe someone who has a fascination with other people's personal lives, businesses, or affairs, and is willing to share that information with others, often in the form of rumors or hearsay.


containing informal talk or stories about other people's private lives, that may be unkind or not true

chứa đựng những câu chuyện hoặc cuộc nói chuyện không chính thức về cuộc sống riêng tư của người khác, có thể không tử tế hoặc không đúng sự thật

  • a gossipy letter

    một lá thư đầy chuyện phiếm

enjoying talking about other people's private lives

thích nói về cuộc sống riêng tư của người khác

  • a gossipy neighbour

    một người hàng xóm hay nói chuyện