Definition of tablespoon


muỗng canh


The word "tablespoon" is a relatively recent invention. While spoons have been used for centuries, the term "tablespoon" emerged in the 18th century, likely derived from the practice of using large, table-sized spoons for serving food in a communal setting. Prior to this, similar units of measurement existed, such as the "spoonful" or the "dessert spoon," but "tablespoon" emerged as a standardized term for a specific volume of liquid.


a large spoon, used especially for serving food

một cái thìa lớn, đặc biệt dùng để phục vụ thức ăn

the amount a tablespoon can hold

số lượng một muỗng canh có thể chứa

  • Add two tablespoons of water.

    Thêm hai muỗng canh nước.