Definition of kitchen




Definition of undefined

The origin of the word "kitchen" dates back to the Middle English period, around the 13th century. It comes from the Old English word "cūtun," which referred to a cooking pot, hearth, or fireplace. This Old English term is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*kutiz," which is also related to the Modern German word "Küche," meaning "kitchen." Over time, the meaning of the word "kitchen" expanded to include the room or space where food was prepared and cooked. The term has been influenced by various languages, including French, Latin, and Old French, which further shaped its evolution. Today, "kitchen" is a fundamental term in many languages, often referring to the heart of the home where meals are created and shared with family and friends.

  • The aroma of baking bread filled the kitchen as Sarah stretched dough on the counter.

    Mùi thơm của bánh mì nướng lan tỏa khắp bếp khi Sarah đang nhào bột trên quầy bếp.

  • James wiped down the kitchen counters with disinfectant spray to sanitize any potential bacteria.

    James lau sạch mặt bếp bằng bình xịt khử trùng để diệt sạch mọi vi khuẩn tiềm ẩn.

  • In the kitchen, Emily flipped steaks on the griddle, sizzling with dripping fat.

    Trong bếp, Emily lật miếng thịt bò bít tết trên vỉ nướng, mỡ chảy xèo xèo.

  • The family gathered in the kitchen to enjoy a homemade meal of lasagna, fresh salad, and garlic bread.

    Cả gia đình tụ họp trong bếp để thưởng thức bữa ăn tự làm gồm lasagna, salad tươi và bánh mì tỏi.

  • After dinner, Caroline watched her husband load the dishwasher in the kitchen, grateful for his willingness to help with household chores.

    Sau bữa tối, Caroline nhìn chồng cho bát đĩa vào máy rửa chén trong bếp, cô cảm thấy biết ơn vì anh sẵn lòng giúp cô làm việc nhà.

  • To avoid grabbing a midnight snack, Michelle set an apple and a cup of water on the kitchen counter as a reminder to make healthier choices.

    Để tránh ăn vặt lúc nửa đêm, Michelle đặt một quả táo và một cốc nước trên bệ bếp như một lời nhắc nhở cô phải đưa ra những lựa chọn lành mạnh hơn.

  • In the kitchen, Lauren chopped onions for stir-fry, tears streaming down her face.

    Trong bếp, Lauren đang thái hành tây để xào, nước mắt chảy dài trên má.

  • The kitchen sink was piled high with dirty dishes as Rachel's teenage children hurriedly washed their hands and fled the room.

    Bồn rửa trong bếp chất đầy bát đĩa bẩn khi những đứa con tuổi teen của Rachel vội vã rửa tay và chạy trốn khỏi phòng.

  • As they cooked together in the kitchen, Michael and Lisa reminisced about their own childhood memories of learning how to cook from their own parents.

    Khi cùng nhau nấu ăn trong bếp, Michael và Lisa hồi tưởng lại những kỷ niệm thời thơ ấu khi được học nấu ăn từ chính cha mẹ mình.

  • In the kitchen, the father created pizza dough from scratch, kneading and rolling it out with loving care, while the children giggled and popped bubbles with glee.

    Trong bếp, người cha tự tay nhào bột làm bánh pizza, cẩn thận nhào và cán bột, trong khi bọn trẻ cười khúc khích và thích thú thổi bong bóng.


everything but the kitchen sink
(informal, humorous)a very large number of things, probably more than is necessary
  • We seem to take everything but the kitchen sink when we go camping.
  • if you can’t stand the heat (get out of the kitchen)
    (informal)used to tell somebody to stop trying to do something if they find it too difficult, especially in order to suggest that they are less able than other people