Definition of scoop


muỗng, xúc


The word "scoop" initially originated from the nautical context in the 18th century. It referred to the process of scooping water out of a ship's bilge (the bottom of the ship) with a device called a scoop or bilge pump. This was necessary to prevent the ship from sinking, especially during rough seas. The word's usage expanded beyond its nautical roots in the following centuries. By the end of the 19th century, it had come to mean the act of obtaining exclusive information or breaking news, as a writer or journalist was often able to "scoop" their competitors in gathering and publishing information before others. This sense of the word "scoop" was further popularized by the print media in the 20th century, where newspaper and magazine editors would select which articles to feature based on their perceived exclusivity. The term is now widely used in various media contexts, from print to broadcast, and also in industries such as business, politics, and sports, where breaking news and major announcements are keenly anticipated and fiercely competitive. In short, the word "scoop" evolved from its obscure origins in the world of nautical engineering to become a widely recognized term that describes the process of obtaining and disseminating information that is not known to others.


a tool like a large spoon with a deep bowl, used for picking up substances in powder form like flour, or for serving food like ice cream

một dụng cụ giống như một cái thìa lớn với một cái bát sâu, dùng để múc các chất ở dạng bột như bột mì, hoặc để phục vụ thức ăn như kem

  • Use an ice-cream scoop.

    Sử dụng muỗng múc kem.

the amount picked up by a scoop

số tiền được nhặt bởi một cái muỗng

  • two scoops of mashed potato

    hai muỗng khoai tây nghiền

a piece of important or exciting news that is published in one newspaper before other newspapers know about it

một mẩu tin quan trọng hoặc thú vị được đăng trên một tờ báo trước khi các tờ báo khác biết về nó

the latest information about somebody/something, especially details that are not generally known

thông tin mới nhất về ai đó/cái gì đó, đặc biệt là những chi tiết thường không được biết đến

  • I got the inside scoop on his new girlfriend.

    Tôi đã có được tin tức nội bộ về bạn gái mới của anh ấy.

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