Definition of submersion


sự chìm đắm


The word "submersion" has its roots in the Latin term "submersio," which means "a throwing under" or "a dipping under." This Latin term is a combination of "sub," meaning "under," and "mersus," meaning "dipped" or "plunged." The word "submersion" has been in use since the 15th century and originally referred to the act of immersing or dipping something, such as an object or a person, under water or another substance. Over time, the meaning of the word "submersion" expanded to include the concept of being overwhelmed or engulfed by something, such as a strong emotion, a difficult situation, or even a cultural or social phenomenon. In contemporary language, the word "submersion" is often used in contexts such as psychology, sociology, and philosophy to describe the process of being deeply absorbed or lost in an experience.


the act or process of going or being put under the surface of water or liquid; the state of being under water or liquid

hành động hoặc quá trình đi hoặc được đặt dưới bề mặt nước hoặc chất lỏng; trạng thái ở dưới nước hoặc chất lỏng

  • The lights must be able to withstand submersion in water.

    Đèn phải có khả năng chịu được khi ngâm trong nước.

  • Young plants generally die after about five or six days of submersion.

    Cây non thường chết sau khoảng năm hoặc sáu ngày ngập nước.

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the act of hiding ideas, feelings, opinions, etc. completely

hành động che giấu hoàn toàn ý tưởng, cảm xúc, quan điểm, v.v.

  • the submersion of individual identity

    sự chìm đắm của bản sắc cá nhân

the state of becoming completely involved in something

trạng thái hoàn toàn tham gia vào một cái gì đó

  • his submersion in the culture of British opera-going

    sự đắm chìm của ông vào nền văn hóa opera của Anh

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