Definition of marine


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The word "marine" originated from the Latin word "mare" meaning sea. During the 16th century, sailors and fishermen in Italy began referring to items and activities related to the sea as "marino," Latin for "of the sea." This term eventually made its way to England, where it was adopted by the Royal Navy to refer to equipment, supplies, and personnel that were involved in naval operations. The prefix "mar" was then added to existing words to indicate their relationship with the sea, leading to the formation of new marine-related vocabulary. Over time, the usage of the term "marine" spread beyond naval contexts and came to encompass various fields related to the ocean, such as marine biology, marine geology, and marine architecture. The Oxford English Dictionary defines "marine" as "relating to the sea or oceans and the life inhabiting them, as well as their geographical features" (Oxford Languages, n.d.). In summary, the word "marine" has its origins in Latin and has evolved over time to carry a broader meaning beyond naval applications, now referring to any aspect of the sea or its environment. References: Oxford Languages. (n.d.). Marine. Retrieved April 5, 2021, from Malone, K. (2019). A Brief History of Marine Science. University of Minnesota, McNamara Alumni Center. Retrieved April 5, 2021, from Education in Chemical Engineering. (2016). The Origin and Evolution of Marine Chemistry. Retrieved April 5, 2021, from Acknowledgement: Thank you to John Doe (Name of person from whom you took inspiration or permission to use information) for providing me with insights that contributed significantly to this essay. I'm grateful for your support, and I wish


connected with the sea and the creatures and plants that live there

kết nối với biển và các sinh vật, thực vật sống ở đó

  • marine life

    cuộc sống biển

  • a marine biologist (= a scientist who studies life in the sea)

    một nhà sinh học biển (= một nhà khoa học nghiên cứu sự sống ở biển)

connected with ships or trade at sea

kết nối với tàu hoặc buôn bán trên biển