Definition of stupidly


ngu ngốc


The word "stupidly" has a history dating back to the 14th century. It is derived from the Old English words "stul" meaning "foolish" and "-ly" suffix indicating a manner or way. Initially, the word "stupidly" meant "in a foolish or senseless manner," implying a lack of intelligence or common sense. Over time, the connotations of the word have shifted. In the 16th century, it began to be used more positively to describe something done with enthusiasm or vigor, such as "playing the game stupidly." This sense of the word emphasized the idea of wholeheartedness rather than foolishness. Today, "stupidly" can be used in both positive and negative contexts, depending on the intended meaning. It remains a versatile word in the English language, offering a range of shades of meaning and emphasis.


in a way that shows a lack of thought or good judgement

theo cách cho thấy sự thiếu suy nghĩ hoặc phán đoán tốt

  • I stupidly agreed to lend him the money.

    Tôi đã ngu ngốc đồng ý cho anh ta vay tiền.

in a way that does not seem clever or intelligent; without understanding

theo cách có vẻ không thông minh hay sáng suốt; không hiểu biết

  • Todd stared stupidly at the screen.

    Todd ngơ ngác nhìn vào màn hình.

  • He grinned stupidly and shrugged.

    Anh ta cười ngớ ngẩn và nhún vai.