Definition of stubble




The word "stubble" has a fascinating origin. It comes from the Old English word "stubbol," which referred to the stubs or remnants of something. In this case, it specifically referred to the remains or residue of something that had been cut or trimmed, such as the stubs of a plant or the remnants of a beard. In the 13th century, the word "stubble" took on a new meaning, referring specifically to the short, coarse hairs that grow on a man's face after shaving. This usage likely arose from the idea that these hairs were like the stubs or remnants of a beard, which had been cut or trimmed but were still remaining. Over time, the meaning of "stubble" expanded to include other types of rough or coarse texts, such as the stubs or remnants of a book or a leaf. Today, the word is commonly used to describe the short, coarse hairs on a man's face, as well as any rough or coarse texture or surface.


the lower short, stiff part of the stems of crops such as wheat that are left in the ground after the top part has been cut and collected

phần dưới ngắn, cứng của thân cây trồng như lúa mì được để lại trên mặt đất sau khi phần trên đã được cắt và thu hái

  • There was a mouse hiding in the stubble.

    Có một con chuột trốn trong gốc rạ.

the short, stiff hairs that grow on a man’s face when he has not shaved recently

những sợi lông ngắn và cứng mọc trên khuôn mặt của một người đàn ông khi gần đây anh ta không cạo râu

  • He had a two-day growth of dark stubble on his chin.

    Anh ta có một sợi râu đen mọc ở cằm trong hai ngày.